Yesterday, I got to view the pond, peninsula, and waterfall from the Bondsville Road view. Rocky mowed it down so that we could access this area. It was such a gorgeous view from that side. You can barely see the main house from this bank. The water is much deeper over on this side of the Pond. Enough for a kayak or canoe, I'm sure! It is still very overgrown and tricky to maneuver through the thick brush, but I tried to get some good pictures of this space. A lot of the old slides/pictures we have are taken from this bank.
Looking at the island/peninsula in the middle of the Old Pond from Bondsville Road.
Standing on a wall on the opposite side of the bank, looking down at the waterfall.
Looking across the Old Pond to the main house.
(The waterfall is to your right, the peninsula to your left)
The old wheel that used to crank the wall up for water release.
I don't know the specifics on when this was used (i.e. maybe for flooding?).
I will clarify and let you know :)
After exploring this portion of the property, Becca and Eric came over to help out! We had so much fun! I decided we could work on the driveway bank on the curve of the driveway. Eric got right to work and was a huge help in clearing out baby maples and clipping/trimming the burning bush back to expose the bank. Rocky had pulled most of the poison out at the roots by hand a few days ago, so it was much safer for us to work in this area. I can't believe what a difference it makes! I love that we still have some of the burning bush at the top, that you can see the old yew trees, and that we found an old lilac bush! The hill is gorgeous with tons of pachysandra. I can't wait to plant bulbs in the fall and see them sprout up in the spring. We also exposed another gutter that was way under all the brush. Roge raked it out with the backhoe. We still have lots of work to do, but I'm excited to share the following pictures. Becca and Eric, thank you SO much for coming over and being so excited with us! You guys rock!
Roger clipping some of the branches on the maple.
Eric clipping and dragging brush.
Eric and Becca, dragging brush.
Eric and the chainsaw!!!
Old-time looking photo with the pitchfork. :)
Ohhh Eric!!!!!!! :)
The bank looks so much cleaner!
Another shot of the bank.
We cleared out the gutters on the side of the steps.
Wow! What a difference! :) I didn't even know there were gutters there!