Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Clean Up. Day 1. March, 2014.

Finally, to the good stuff.  The first nice weather weekend, we were blown away by the amount of loving family and friend support we had in cleaning up.  Kate and Eric helped plan the whole thing.  Becca and company came and hugely helped.  The Butlers were amazing…Donnie, you rock!  Rocky and Mary helped with food and serious manual labor.  Lamberts, we love you guys to pieces and are so grateful for all of the weekends you give us to help us out.  Dawn, I hope I learn to feed as many people as easily as you seem to pull it off and still spare time and energy to pick up a rake and go to town.  The kids are amazing.  Matt, there are no words.  You are the best brother in law in the world!!! Thank you for all your help, energy, and enthusiasm.  You never cease to encourage us.  We are feeling very blessed as we are clearing the land for our special wedding weekend.  Needless to say, after one full day of work, this place was cleared.  The saying, "many hands make light work" is very true for us.  We love you all!!!  Thank you!!!!!!!!   Thank you!!!!!!  Thank you!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Warm sunshine...mud instead of snow...wedding planning... pizza party to celebrate the work accomplished. Pretty much a perfect day all around. It will be fun to see if the seeds Jane planted next to the huge root ball germinate and grow :). Hugs!!
