Sunday, October 28, 2012

Forsythia: The Driveway/Barn Wall

I have been wanting to tackle the overgrown forsythia bushes that have grown wild and unkempt along the driveway wall to the barn.  They were such a rooted mess all grown together and tangled.  They were hanging over the wall and affecting the barn yard wall and yard usage. 

There were a few reasons as to why I wanted to trim them up...  First, we use the backyard with the gym bars and driveway a LOT with the kiddos.  They love to play up there and on the driveway.  As we adults supervise, I realized these massive bushes have grown so huge that we could not enjoy the gorgeous pond view from our favorite play areas.  Secondly, some of the same reason from the barnyard.  I love that corner niche with the ivy growing over the wall and up the barn wall.  This is a perfect spot for a table and to enjoy the views.  And yet again, the bushes had so overgrown this wall that it was hard to sit there and not feel like bugs/spiders were dropping down on you!  Third, I LOVE the idea of having a seasonal flower bed along this wall from the barn yard side.  I researched when the best time to trim forsythia bushes, and it turns out fall is the time!  

We tackled this project this weekend.  We trimmed them pretty far down.  It almost looks bare now, but I know that they needed this healthy hair cut to grow and bloom in the future.  I definitely love the wild forsythia, and am hoping that this trimming will give them the TLC they deserve to grow and compliment the area.  I'm hoping that they will grow in the next few seasons to be a healthy size that will better suit the feel of the driveway.  I love seeing the burning bush on the driveway from the barn yard now!  I am very pleased with the results!  Here are some before/after pictures.  :)





1 comment:

  1. Was that cute little girl (ok...not so little any more!) hiding under the forsythia? :)
