Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fall Changes: A Brief Update

I have so much to post and write about and promise I will soon, but until then here are some pictures of what is getting accomplished around here. The evenings are beautiful with the crisp fall air. I love all the visits we get from friends and family. Thank you all for always being so willing to lend a hand and just be so excited for us! My mom sent over mums which add the perfect spark of color to the beds and driveway. The barn yards are clear!! We gave away almost all of the 60+ redwoods that needed to be planted. We have planted some down behind the barn too! The dumpster is here for proper disposal. Here are a few pictures to catch you up. :)

1 comment:

  1. Where I still miss Cissey and that awesome spring house...memories of my little sister floating head down i a pink wool coat and memories of those giant Irises!
